Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Back To School

Well, after many years of comtemplation, I have rescently decided to dive back into this thing called an education. It was a number of factors that finally made up my mind, but the biggest thing was, I wanted to do something for myself!

I have spent the last 28 years, and even more thinking of what was best for my family, my children, my husband, etc. I realized that I had been waiting for something, not quite sure what it was I was waiting for. When I realized that I was waiting for MY life to start, I realized that the waiting had to stop and I had to take charge!

We just came back from taking our 2nd child, a son, up to college, his first year. We met with some old family friends, and found out the wife was back in school herself. She's almost 50! She doesn't look a day older than 29 of course, but listening to her and her excitement about going back to school, encouraged me quite a bit. She made me realize that I could do it, and it would be ok. So I thank her for her enthusiasm for her own education and wish her well!

I was worried that my kids would say I was crazy, my friends would ask, why? But, instead I got actual applause from the kiddos, an "it's about time" from my husband, and cheers of support from my friends. I was edified by their encouragment and support. So now here I am enrolled in school.

I am scared to death! I was never the best student, I did ok with homework assignments, and when it came to classes I loved, I made A's. But, testing always made me choke, and talking to a teacher about gave me a heart attack. I was always nervous to raise my hand or ask questions. I was young, and afraid of authority, but not any more! Being a MOM for all these years paid off in that department! :)

So, I am apprehensive to say the least, but I am also excited and ready to take on the challenge.
I have watched friends, my husband, and my kids further their educations and glean so much from it. Not only jobs but respect from family and friends. I want my family to be proud of me, but most importantly I want to be proud of myself. I start in just a few weeks, and have already attended the 1st day of new student orientation, I have two more days of this, then I'll be getting ready for my 1st day!

Wish me luck! I'll keep you all posted on how I do.