Well, over Spring Break we had some great weather, started wearing sandles and capri's by the end of the week, then Saturday came, and a cold front with forecast of snow! Really? Seriously!? I was just getting use to the idea of warm weather and the cuter clothes that go with it! I've lost 22 lbs. and was looking forward to new Summer clothes! Oh well, it will have to wait a week or so now, but I'm still gonna have to go shopping. My Summer clothes from last year are too big, yippee! So, if I don't want to walk around in my skivvy's all Summer better get that shopping done, darn it! he he...
Today the weather is fantastic, upper 50's and the sun is shining brightly! These are the days you are so glad to be alive and a part of it all! When you feel the sun's warm glow upon your face, the blue sky above with soft billowy clouds, and the soft voices of birds sweet singing in the air, it's truly a B-E-A-U-tiful day!!
Come on Spring, we know you're there!
Have a great day everyone, and enjoy not only the weather (if your there where the weather is good today!) but the blessing of being here upon the earth and experiencing it all! :)